
19:00 - 22:30


Room SOE-E-02, University of Zurich
Schönberggasse 11, Zurich, 8001, ZH

We are very happy to invite you to the second meetup event of the Zürich Quantitative Finance Alumni club this year. The setup will be as usual, firstly talks from two alumni of the MSc program in Quantitative Finance Zürich followed by a small apero where you can catch up with your classmates or other alumni. The topic of the speakers will be related to the data analytics and machine learning applications in finance and we will meet at the University of Zürich. The details regarding the event can be seen below.

As we are planning a small apéro after the two presentations, we would appreciate if you could RSVP using the link below.

Data Analytics & Machine Learning Applications in Finance

  • Date: Thursday, 12 May, 2016 (19:00-22:30)
  • Guest speakers:
    1. Kevin Smith (alumni of the MSc program in Quantitative Finance in Zürich and a board member of the ZQFA)
    2. Paul Hughes (alumni of the MSc program in Quantitative Finance in Zürich and a board member of the ZQFA)
  • The talks will be followed by a small apéro.
  • Location: University of Zürich, SOE-E2 (Schönberggasse 15, 8001 Zurich)
  • RSVP

Cannot join? Members, who will not be able to attend the Meetup, but are nonetheless interested in asking our speakers a question, can do so here. Answers will be published on our website after the event.

We’re very much looking forward to seeing you at the event!

Your ZQFA-team

List of Attendees